We provide cast iron fondue set in different shapes, styles and combinatons. The fondue set contains cast iron pot, forks and holder, cast iron rechaud, chromed burner, cups, spoons, and available parts. From 10 to 23 pieces of cast iron fondue set that you can choose what you wanted.
Cast iron fondue pot takes a while to heat up, but it holds the temperature at a steady degree, which is important for not burning the meat or vegetables you want to cook. The product also can be used for cheese, chocolate or broth in according to different fondue pot, such as our cast iron cheese fondue pot. For party, fondue pot can be used for your birthday or anniversary day with your family and friends. The product is multi function and good using for around everything.
Never store food in cast iron.
Never wash cast iron in a dishwasher.
Never store cast iron utensils wet.
Never go from very hot to very cold, and vice versa; cracking may occur.
Never store with excess grease in pan, it will turn rancid.
Never store with lids on, cushion lid with paper towel to allow air flow.
Never boil water in your cast iron cookware – it will ‘wash’ off your seasoning, and it will require a re-seasoning.
If you find food sticking to your pan, it is a simple matter to clean the pan well, and set it up for a re-seasoning, just follow the same steps. Don’t forget that dutch ovens and griddles need the same attention as a cast iron skillet.