Popcorn in a cast iron skillet or dutch oven is easy, and has the benefit of building additional seasoning while producing a tasty snack. Make sure your popcorn is fresh; that stored in a glass jar is best, as its moisture content is preserved. Choose a neutral, high smoke point oil like refined grapeseed or peanut.

You’ll also want some popcorn salt, and, optionally, butter. Popcorn salt is finer than table or kosher salt, and sticks to the popped kernels better. Using a mortar and pestle, you can grind table or kosher salt to a finer consistency. Melt your butter, preferably unsalted, while the popcorn pan is heating, so it will be ready.

Regardless of whether you use a skillet or a dutch oven, you’ll need a lid. It doesn’t need to be the most tight-fitting, but it needs to be able to keep the corn and hot oil from spattering all over the place (and you). Use a #10 skillet or a #8 dutch oven for the purposes of this recipe, and adapt it to your preference. Note: A skillet, with its built in handle, can be easier to agitate during popping. But you’re more likely to have a lid with a dutch oven.

Add a tablespoon of oil and three kernels of popcorn in your chosen cast iron vessel, and place the cover on. Heat the oil slowly over a burner set to medium. When you hear the three kernels pop, you know the oil is hot enough.

Add your popcorn. One quarter cup is good for two servings; a half cup, after popping, should not be too much for either of these pans. Replace the cover and give the pan a little shake to spread the kernels around. As the corn pops, shake the pan intermittently to keep burnt popped kernels to a minimum. When the popping slows to about 5 seconds between pops– after about 2-3 minutes– remove from the heat and wait another 15-30 seconds before removing the lid.

Add the salt in pinches and toss between each, testing for saltiness and adding your butter. Just wait and enjoy your delicious popcorn.

Post time: Dec-31-2021