A seemingly complicated lamb chop recipe loaded with mouth-watering flavors is actually so easy to prep ahead and make in minutes.



1015 lamb rib chops

12 heads of garlic

1 tbsp. olive oil

fresh rosemary

fresh sage

2 tsp. cumin

2 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. coriander seed

salt and pepper



1.first things first, heat your oven to 350, cut the head of garlic in half, drizzle the olive oil and wrap in foil. place on a baking cast iron grill pan and roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes. set aside.

2.prep your lamb chops on a baking cast iron grill pan and pat dry with a paper towel. with a mortar and pestle, (or just mash together), add the chopped rosemary, sage, cumin, garlic powder and coriander seed and mix together until it forms a paste-like rub. then, rub generously on both sides of the chops along with the roasted garlic (you’ll be able to literally squeeze the garlic out…also, it will make your kitchen smell to die for). you can do this prep either the night before, or a few hours prior to grilling.

3.when ready to grill, scrape all of the rub off the chops, pat them dry (this will result in the ultimate crispy char), sprinkle with salt and pepper or a montreal seasoning, and set your grill to high heat. grill lamb chops 2-3 minutes per side for medium rare and let rest for a few minutes right off the grill. drizzle with the mint chimichurri (with more to on the side to dip, obviously) and enjoy!

Post time: Jul-10-2023