Proper Grill Pan Use

Before you think about cleaning your pan, first think about using it properly. It’s improper use that turns them into cleaning nightmares.

Moderate Heat

Staying away from high heat when cooking meats in a grill pan is crucial. Because there is less contact with the iron, foods take a bit longer to cook. If your heat is too high, the outside begins to burn long before the inside is done. Medium to medium-high heat will produce beautiful grill marks, will give the spaces between the grill marks time to brown, and will give meats ample time to reach your desired degree of doneness internally. A good rule of thumb is the thicker the meat, the lower the heat.

Preheat Your Pan

When cooking in a grill pan, you’ll most likely need every inch of space on the cooking surface. Adequately preheating your pan will help the grates in the outer areas become hot enough to cook and sear properly. A solid 7 to 8 minutes and sometimes even longer is needed before use.

Limit Your Use Of Sugar

Sugar and hot cast iron don’t always mix well. When using grill pans, wipe or brush off any sweet or sticky marinades from your food before you add it to the pan. On a regular grill, it’s normal to finish foods with a brush of sauce, but in a grill pan, it can be very tricky to avoid burning and sticking. If you do use sauce, keep your heat lower, and wait until the very end to add it.

Post time: Apr-18-2022