Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas are high in protein and low in sodium. They also have antioxidant properties. So, they make a healthy protein snack for children.


You will need:

150g chickpeas

3tsp olive oil

1tsp lime juice

2tsp cumin powder

½tsp garlic powder

½tsp paprika

¼tsp saltDirections


How to:

1.Heat the oven to 400°F.

2.Soak the chickpeas and blot the excess water using a tissue paper to make the chickpeas crunchy.

3.Evenly spread the chickpeas on a cast iron frying pan and bake them for 25 minutes at 400°F.

4.Take the chickpeas out and let them cool, also reduce the oven temperature to


5.In a bowl, add 1.5 teaspoon olive oil, lime juice, garlic powder, paprika, and salt and mix well until it forms a paste.

6.Once the chickpeas have cooled, add them to the paste and mix with your hands so that all the chickpeas are evenly coated.

7.Evenly spread the chickpeas on a baking sheet and bake them for 15 minutes at 350°F, occasionally check to make sure they are not burning.

8.Once the chickpeas are golden brown, remove, let them cool, and serve your kids these crunchy and tangy chickpeas.


Post time: Jan-15-2024