Are you looking for a new, easy, make ahead recipe to make during your next camping trip?   This Pie Iron Tasty Taco recipe is great over the campfire.


A great recipe to make the next time you are camping.



Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time15 minutes

Total Time35 minutes





1 pound ground beef

1 oz. package taco seasoning mix

5- inch tortillas 12

1 cup shredded Mexican cheese

1/2 cup onion chopped


Garnish: shredded lettuce diced tomatoes, black olives, salsa and sour cream


Cook ground beef in a large skillet over medium-high heat until browned.

Drain;  stir in taco seasoning according to package directions.

Spray the inside of a pie iron with non-stick spray;  place tortilla on one side.

Add about 1/4 cup of beef on tortilla;  sprinkle with cheese and onion.

Arrange a second tortilla over filling;  close pie iron.


Cook over medium-hot coals until tortilla is crispy and filling is heated through, about 10 minutes.  Remove from pie iron;  garnish as desired.  Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Post time: Apr-17-2023