Perfect for when there’s a fire ban when you’re craving camp at home, or want to satisfy two cravings at once, the cookie skillet utilizes premade cookie dough to make this easy as ever. Check out the recipe below and give it a try!



2 tbsp butter

2 packages cookie dough (either log or break and bake)

1 cup mini marshmallows

14 square graham crackers or 1 cup graham cracker crumbs

1 chocolate bar



10 or 12” frypan

lid (from 5 qt. Dutch oven) or large plate

Camp stove



Place the frypan on a stove over medium heat


Add 2 tbsp butter to the pan and allow to melt


Press the cookie dough into the pan, on top of the butter, until it forms one large cookie. Turn the heat down to medium-low so as to not burn the bottom.


Place the lid over the top of the frypan and allow to cook for 5-7 minutes


While the cookie bakes, gather your mini marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. Break up the chocolate into individual squares. If not using graham cracker crumbs, crush the graham crackers.


Remove the lid from the frypan. Sprinkle the mini marshmallows over top of the cookie. Scatter the chocolate pieces around the cookie. Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs over top of everything.


Replace the lid. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until the cookie is cooked through, being careful not to burn the bottom.


Remove from heat. Allow to cool completely. Enjoy straight from the pan!


*Note: We love to add some vanilla ice cream before serving. This recipe can also be made at home in the oven at 350 degrees.

Post time: Aug-22-2022